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We believe climate action is urgent and needed now. We are committed to zero emission shipping by 2050 and our goal is to have zero emission vessels entering the fleet in 2030. This is aligned with the Race To Zero 2030 breakthrough goal of 5% zero emission fuel in international shipping by 2030. We work with real-economy actors to enable them to take near-term action.
We will do this by leading at least two first mover programmes to create green corridors, which are zero emission routes between two or more ports. These will be implemented by the middle of the decade, the first one is the ‘Silk Alliance’, and will provide the assurance of zero emission tonnage. This means creating safety standards and building to a zero-emission propulsion ready framework from 2023. At the same time, we’re supporting our clients in achieving emissions reduction in the short-term through optimising assets and operations, and driving a more transparent sector.
Our credibility is underpinned by taking climate action on our GHG footprint. We’re committed to an ambitious science-based target that ensures our own decarbonisation journey is aligned to a 1.5°C world and we will bring forward our zero-emissions goal to at least 2040. We know our funding, research and professional services can help lead to a decarbonised shipping sector.
The Maritime Decarbonisation Hub Team
Whether you’re a designer, builder, owner, operator or innovator, equipment manufacturer, insurer or financier, you can call on our 8,000-strong team of skilled technical personnel for advice. We’re here for you today, and for the decades to come, just as we have been for over 250 years.
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Explore our classification and certification services
We can help you understand where you are on your energy transition journey, giving you insight into your challenges and opportunities.
We can support you with:-
Classification and certification
Passenger ships
Helping you grow your business sustainably and securely
Classification and certification
LR can assist shipowners and operators with the generation and verification of Monitoring Plans for FuelEU, using the Emissions Verifier digital application.