Engineering, production and life‐cycle management for the complete construction of large‐length FIBRE‐based SHIPs


The project aims to extend the use of fibre-based composite (FRP) materials for its massive application in large-length ships. The overall budget for this collaborative project is €11.04M with a maximum European Grant of €8.87M.

In order to achieve this main objective, the project will develop procedures, tools and guidelines for the effective design and production of large ships in FRP materials.

The project will also analyze the cost-effectiveness of incorporating fibre-based materials in naval engineering, accounting the whole product life (from material production to structural dismantling).​

Work plan:

  1. Market Exploitation
  2. Improving fiber based materials for their use in large-length ships
  3. Design and analysis tools
  4. Development of guidelines to support engineering
  5. Optimized production techniques
  6. Life-cycle management, dismantling and recycling
  7. Demonstrators & Technology validation
  8. Cost-effectiveness studies and business plan
  9. Dissemination


  • Tecnicas Y Servicios de Ingeniería, S.L., Spain
  • Compass Ingenieria Y Sistemas SA, Spain
  • Centre Internacional de Metodes Numerics en Enginyeria, Spain
  • Lloyd's Register EMEA IPS, United Kingdom
  • Bureau Veritas Registre International de Classification de Navires Etd'aeronefs SA, France
  • Rina Services SPA, Italy
  • Danaos Shipping Company Ltd, Cyprus
  • Anonymos Naftiliaki Etaireia Kritis, Greece
  • Foinikas Shipping Company NE, Greece
  • Instituto Espanol De Oceanografia, Spain
  • Tuco Yacht Værft APS, Denmark
  • Navrom Shipyard SRL, Romania
  • Fundacion Centro Tecnologico Soermar, Spain
  • TWI Limited, United Kingdom
  • Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus Vtt OY, Finland
  • H2x, France
  • Ateknea Solutions Europe Sl Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Hungary
  • University of Limerick, Ireland


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723360