Applicability: Owners and operators of vessels fitted with Cosmo Co. Ltd fire doors

Further to Class News No 26/2017, Cosmo Co. Ltd has issued an updated Notice Letter and a Root Cause Analysis of the quality issue that has been discovered in a number of the fire doors that they manufacture, including A-60, A-0 and B-15 class doors. Following an internal investigation, Cosmo Co. Ltd found that various delivered products had some insulation partly missing from the inside of the A-60, A-0 and B-15 class doors.

Cosmo Co. Ltd subsequently carried out an investigation which found that the fault was partially due to new manufacturing equipment and processes that were introduced in November 2013. As a result, any A-60, A-0 and B-15 class door produced since then may be affected. It is now also thought that some doors manufactured before that time may be affected.

Following its investigations, Cosmo Co. Ltd has outlined a method in order to check the A-60, A-0 and B-15 class doors already installed within a vessel to establish whether or not they are affected by the manufacturing error.

Cosmo Co. Ltd has carried out fire tests on the A-0 and B-15 doors with the irregular insulation arrangements, in order to establish whether or not they meet the requirements of SOLAS. The A-0 and B-15 door retests were successful and the results have been accepted by Lloyd’s Register (LR) - (letters 1 and 2) and the MED certifying body, DNV GL.

However, an in-situ repair method for A-60 type doors has been developed in order to meet the SOLAS requirements, and sample repaired doors have been successfully fire tested by Cosmo Co. Ltd. The results have been accepted by LR and the MED certifying body, DNV GL.

What should owners and operators do now?

Owners and operators of vessels fitted with any Cosmo Co. Ltd fire doors should check with Cosmo Co. Ltd for information as to whether their vessels are affected or not. If found to be affected by this issue, please contact your local LR office for further advice.

For further information

Contact: for information on implementation