Applicability: Ships navigating, anchoring, berthing or operating in the Yangtze River Delta ECA, except military, recreational and fishing vessels
Further to Class News 28/2015, the Chinese Ministry of Transport has announced that from 1 April, 2016, vessels ‘at berth’ at the core ports in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD)* emission control area (ECA) must use fuel oil containing 0.5% sulphur or less. These core ports are Shanghai, Ningbo-Zhoushan, Suzhou and Nantong.
This requirement is part of emission control measures that will be implemented in the YRD ECA in two phases:
In the first phase, which takes effect from 1 April, 2016:
- Ships ‘at berth’ at the core ports in the ECA must use fuel oil containing 0.5% sulphur or less
- Ships ‘at berth’ at ports in the ECA are encouraged to use fuel oil containing 0.1% sulphur or less, and
- Ships entering the ECA are encouraged to use fuel oil containing 0.5% sulphur or less.
The second phase will be implemented dependent on the outcome of assessment of the first phase; the possibilities given at this time are:
- Ships entering the ECA must use fuel oil containing 0.5% sulphur or less
- Ships entering the ECA must use fuel oil containing 0.1% sulphur or less
- Ships ‘at berth’ at ports in the ECA must use fuel oil containing 0.1% sulphur or less.
The exact details of how the measures will be implemented (i.e., enforcement, penalties, the definition of ‘at berth’, and requirements for fuel change-over, verification of fuel quality, records and documentation) are not yet available. We will issue a further Class News when we have more information.
* Referred to in Class News 28/2015 as the Chang Jiang Delta.
For further information
Speak to one of our experts at your local Lloyd's Register Group office.