Applicability: All owners and operators of vessels fitted with ECDISs
Further to Class News No. 01/2016, which detailed the revised Standards for electronic chart display and information systems (ECDISs), the transition period for the previous versions of International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Standards S-52 and S-64 has been extended. They now remain valid until 31 August 2017. The required software updates are due to new IHO Standards, which are as follows:
- S-52 Edition 6.0* is updated to S-52 Edition 6.1
- PresLib Edition 3.4* is updated to PresLib Edition 4.0
- S-64 Edition 2.0.0* is updated to S-64 Edition 3.0.1
To meet the requirements of IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1503, shipowners and managers should liaise with ECDIS manufacturers to ensure that their ECDIS software arrangements comply with the latest versions of these IHO Standards by the required date. Most flag administrations are treating these updates as mandatory. Evidence that ECDIS equipment has been upgraded may also be required by Port State Control in certain areas.
If it is found that the current ECDIS equipment on board is not compatible with the latest IHO Standards, or no software upgrades are available, shipowners and managers should contact the vessel’s flag administration for advice on the further actions needed.
If upgrades are made to a vessel’s ECDISs that necessitate a change in hardware, then this shall be done under survey at the time of the upgrade. If the upgrades are for the ECDIS software only, then these will be confirmed at the next scheduled safety equipment survey of the vessel.
For further information
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