Applicability: shipowners, ship operators, ship managers, ship masters, designers and shipbuilders.
A product alert has been issued for the Thrane & Thrane Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) units, model TT-3026X. Since 26 March 2023, the Global Positioning System (GPS) modules of older TT-3026X models have not been working properly after a change in the GPS navigation message signals (GPS rollover).
If no longer functioning correctly, these older TT-3026X models, fitted with Garmin GPS modules, need to be replaced. Updates for these older models are no longer supported by the manufacturer, Cobham SATCOM
What should shipowners and managers do now?
Owners of ships fitted with model TT-3026X LRIT or Ship Security Alert System equipment, should:
- Check that the equipment is working properly and able to transmit the vessel’s correct location;
- If not working properly, report the defective equipment to Lloyd’s Register and/or the flag Administration; and
- Arrange for replacement equipment.
For further information
Several flag Administrations (Denmark, Portugal and Sweden) have published notices on this subject. See also Class News 04/2019.
Please speak to one of our experts at your local Lloyd's Register office or contact
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