Applicability: shipowners, ship operators, ship managers and ship masters.
Action is required now to effectively plan the 2021 reporting period data submission for MRV Regulation (EU) 2015/757 and IMO DCS verification to ensure compliance with the strict submission deadlines for data on the following online platforms:
THETIS platform: data submitted by 30 April 2022
GISIS platform: data submitted by 30 June 2022
As outlined below, Lloyd’s Register (LR) needs your information well in advance of these deadlines to ensure all verification work is completed in time.
1st verification
Data to LR by the end of November 2021
Please provide the following information:
- Number of vessels that called into EU ports during the 2021 calendar year
- Number of voyages for each of the vessel(s) listed above (applicable to EU MRV regulation)
- Please fill out/ update the attached contract appendix and return as soon as possible, with fleet details (entire fleet to be covered by contract) as well as billing entity (registered owner / managing company) information.
2nd stage verification
Data to LR by 15 January 2022
Upon completion of the first stage, to proceed with the second stage, we will need you to have all evidence uploaded to our CO2 verifier tool. The assigned verifier will contact you for any clarifications needed.
The required data per vessel that called at an EU port includes:
- Voyages list (applicable voyages to the EU MRV regulation per vessel)
- Relevant BDN & bill of landing for the applicable voyages
- For each applicable voyage: date & time of departure & arrival, fuel ROBs / consumptions, distance travelled, time spent at anchorage, cargo transferred.
Please use your own forms for the submission of documentation for MRV purposes.
Data to LR from 1 January to 31 March 2022:
As early as possible in January 2022, please upload to our CO2 verifier tool the following:
- Duly filled-in Annualized Emissions report
- Disaggregated reports on fuel consumption
- Distance travelled and hours underway together with all supporting evidence (BDN reports, voyage or noon reports, ROB data, etc.)
All data must be uploaded to our CO2 verifier tool before 31 March 2022.
We encourage clients to make the submissions as early as possible to enable us to complete and deliver the verification work much earlier than the regulatory deadlines.
Please note that LR will not accept any liability for late submission to THETIS if the client requests LR to verify the EU MRV Annual Emissions Report after the regulatory deadline of 30 April 2022.
If initial submissions are incomplete and/or delayed, partial submissions or resubmissions may require additional verification work. In such cases, LR cannot guarantee the availability of resources to complete the verification in time.
For more details, please contact your account manager or