Applicability: All shipowners and managers
Riyadh MOU has announced it will be launching a concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on pilot transfer arrangements, to run from 1 September, 2016, to 30 November, 2016.
The purpose of the campaign is to ensure that ships comply with the requirements for pilot transfer arrangements detailed in the Annex to IMO Resolution A.1045(27); for example, the condition of the ladder and ropes and the familiarity of the ship’s master and crew with pilot transfer arrangements.
Riyadh MOU has developed this checklist to assist masters, DPAs and crews in preparing for the CIC and to prevent delays or detentions by port state control officers.
Question 6 of the checklist concerns the use of mechanical pilot hoists. Shipowners and managers are reminded that the use of mechanical pilot hoists is prohibited on all ships in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS Regulation V/23, paragraph 6.
Question 11 of the checklist refers to shipside doors used for pilot transfers. In accordance with SOLAS Regulation V/23, paragraph 5, such doors must open inwards.
Owners and managers are recommended to advise masters and crews of the CIC and to check that pilot transfer arrangements meet the requirements of Resolution A.1045(27), and that relevant documentation is available and up to date. Reference should also be made to IMO circular MSC.1/Circ.1428 on required pilot boarding arrangements.
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