Applicability: All shipowners and ship managers
Delegates at the 105th annual meeting of the International Labour Conference overwhelmingly voted in favour of further amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, in order to better protect seafarers against shipboard harassment and bullying and to allow for an extension of the validity of maritime labour certificates.
Guideline B4.3.1 will be amended at paragraph 1 to refer to the latest version of the Guidance on eliminating shipboard harassment and bullying and at paragraph 4 with the addition of a new subparagraph (d) harassment and bullying.
Guideline B4.3.6 will be amended to include a new subparagraph (g) problems arising from harassment and bullying.
Standard A5.1.3 will be amended to allow for the extension of the validity of the maritime labour certificate in circumstances where ships have passed the renewal inspection but where a new maritime labour certificate cannot be immediately issued and made available on board. The competent authority or the recognised organisation duly authorised for this purpose, may extend the validity of the certificate for a period of five months from the expiry date of the existing certificate and endorse the certificate accordingly.
The amendments were agreed at the second meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee on 10 February 2016. It is expected that these amendments will enter into force on 8 January 2019.
Shipowners and ship managers are advised to review their management systems to ensure they include procedures for the elimination of harassment and bullying on board ship.
For further information
Speak to one of our experts at your local Lloyd’s Register Group office or contact:
+44 330 414 0174