Applicability: All shipowners and operators involved in the carriage of solid bulk cargoes

As explained in Class News No.13/2016, the IMO published CCC.1/Circ.2 relating to the carriage of bauxite which may liquefy. This was in order to alert shipowners and operators about the risk caused to certain bauxite cargoes from excess moisture - this information is not included in the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code.
Research on the properties of bauxite was triggered by findings from the investigation into the loss of MV Bulk Jupiter, which cost the lives of 18 crewmembers. Extreme caution of all parties involved in the carriage of bauxite is required. The IMO has recently issued a revised circular (CCC.1/Circ.2/Rev.1) relating to the carriage of bauxite which may liquefy, which includes the following:

  • A draft test procedure for determining the Transportable Moisture Limit (TML) for bauxite
  • A draft, new individual schedule for Bauxite of Group A (cargo which may liquefy) having the Bulk Cargo Shipping Name ‘BAUXITE FINES’
  • Draft amendments to the individual schedule for Bauxite of Group C (cargo which is neither liable to liquefy nor to possess chemical hazards)

The aforementioned draft advice will be included in a future amendment to the IMSBC Code, which is expected to enter into force on 1 January 2021. Until such time, any bauxite cargoes should be classified as Group A or Group C and are to be carried in accordance with the above draft procedures and with subsection 1.3 of the Code.

Guidance on carrying solid bulk cargoes safely

Lloyd’s Register, the UK P&I Club and Intercargo have produced a pocket guide for ship officers and agents who arrange cargoes for loading.

This pocket guide outlines the precautions to be taken before accepting solid bulk cargoes for shipment; sets out procedures for safe loading and carriage; details the primary hazards associated with different types of cargo; and underlines the importance of proper cargo declarations. A quick reference checklist and flowchart summarise the steps to be followed.

A PDF of both the pocket guide and flowchart can be downloaded below: 


For further information

Speak to one of our experts at your local Lloyd’s Register Group office or contact