Applicability: All shipbuilders and owners
The IMO has adopted changes to the energy efficiency requirements contained in Chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI*, as follows:
Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)
The following changes to the EEDI requirements, contained in Regulations 20 and 21, will enter into force on 1 September, 2015.
1. The attained EEDI and/or the required EEDI will additionally apply to the following ship types:
- LNG carriers (with conventional or non-conventional propulsion) – attained EEDI and required EEDI
- ro-ro cargo ships (vehicle carriers) – required EEDI (attained EEDI already applied)
- ro-ro cargo ships – required EEDI (attained EEDI already applied)
- ro-ro passenger ships – required EEDI (attained EEDI already applied)
cruise passenger ships (with non-conventional propulsion) – attained EEDI and required EEDI.
Specifically, the requirements will apply to these ship types for which:
- the building contract is placed on or after 1 September, 2015; or
- in the absence of a building contract, the keel is laid, or the ship is at a similar stage of construction, on or after 1 March, 2016; or
- delivery is on or after 1 September, 2019.
2. The EEDI requirements will not apply to:
- ships (except cruise passenger ships and LNG carriers) with non-conventional propulsion systems
- cargo ships with ice-breaking capability.
3. The definition of ‘gas carrier’ will exclude ‘LNG carriers’. Under the EEDI requirements, LNG carriers are now a separate ship type.
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)
In addition to the EEDI changes, IMO circular MEPC.1/Circ.795/Rev.1. clarifies that the following are not required to keep a SEEMP on board:
- ships without means of propulsion
- platforms (including FPSOs and FSUs) and drilling rigs, regardless of their propulsion.
Ships which are not required to keep an SEEMP on board are not required to be issued with an International Energy Efficiency Certificate.
*The changes to MARPOL Annex VI, Chapter 4 are detailed in Resolution MEPC.251(66).
For further information
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