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Horizons article October 2020

A closer look at remote surveys: what’s involved and what’s next

  • Digital transformation
  • Maritime rules and safety
Issue October 2020
Remote ship survey captured on mobile device

Yiannis Fytilis discusses what’s on the horizon for remote techniques and provides a step-by-step walkthrough of a remote inspection of a crack in the superstructure deck

Yiannis Fytilis

Lead Surveyor and Remote Survey Champion

In the June issue of Horizons, LR’s Head of Product Management, James Forsdyke, looked at how the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly broadened the range of use cases where remote support is considered appropriate and provided the industry with the impetus needed to embrace what technology has been able to offer for a number of years. But as lockdowns ease, travel restrictions lift and physical attendance slowly returns, what does this mean for remote surveys? 

When used in appropriate scenarios, remote surveys still hold great value for LR and our clients by advancing periodical inspections where practical, streamlining decision-making through real-time livestreams with surveyors and other stakeholders including flag States, enabling immediate feedback and transparency. 

LR envisages that traditional physical attendance surveys will become enhanced and supplemented by remote surveys and data, through the use of digital technology such as digital twins. This would build our confidence that safety levels and availability of ships can be maintained during periods when we are unable to get on board.

However, this does not negate the importance of people. Technology is an enabler, but the value continues to be the human expertise and experience – there are still experts reviewing inputs and making decisions based on their experience. Remote surveys are just a subset of technology-enabled working, and as we all become more comfortable working differently because of the changes imposed on us, we will find new ways to deliver value to those we serve centred on our core skills and expertise. 

As a remote survey champion, I am responsible for leading many of the remote inspections that LR performs, establishing best practice and ensuring that the remote surveys are performed to the highest technical standard and importantly, that the crew’s safety is protected and maintained at all times.

Through our experience, we’ve found that the interaction between hardware, software and remote survey experts can offer the right combination that complements and enhances the traditional approach based on physical attendance only. LR remains committed to applying remote only in situations where there is clear value and our experts have validated that the remote service is equivalent to physical attendance.

As you can imagine, static data has its limitations. Therefore, the introduction of LR’s new live-streaming video-audio tool, LR Remote, is a real step forward by providing an improved perspective onboard the vessel and enabling a broader range of surveys to be completed remotely. This has been absolutely essential during the period of disruption, and invaluable to a number of stakeholders throughout the industry – not just vessel operators, but also flag Administrations and other regulators. 

In one particular instance, a vessel operator reported the development of a crack in the superstructure deck. This had been identified during the last sea passage and the operator requested LR undertake a remote inspection in conjunction with surveys for Special Survey postponement. Utilising its well-established governance structure to support this type of request, LR was able to identify the items to focus on to enable the postponement using its remote survey methodology. 

The through-thickness crack that had developed was a substantial length from the side of the vessel to the inboard termination, following an erection seam new build. The gap that had formed between the plates was also significant. 

The LR Remote app, which was easy for the ship’s crew to download and set up on either the vessel’s V-sat enabled LAN network or the domestic 4G coverage, provided a much more thorough examination of the defect than would have been achievable using static photos. It was possible to identify the start and termination points, and explore above and below deck, to identify distortion in other structural members that would need to be rectified as part of the permanent repair. 

This process of planning for permanent repair was particularly important to the operator – not only to identify the steps to be followed, but also to understand the classification requirements. Indeed, when this type of conversation is facilitated remotely, it is significantly enhanced by having a live video-audio stream – so you can talk through the repair in detail while viewing the damage and marking up the steel as you go. All of which helps ensure repairs can be undertaken as efficiently and effectively as possible, minimising any further downtime for the vessel. 

At this point it is important to mention the safety considerations. LR provides clear recommendations to our clients on performing remote surveys in a safe manner, and always discusses this with the client in the kick-off meeting before inspections have commenced.

We were able to continue the survey using the LR Remote app for the general examination of items on exposed and partially-exposed decks. Again, the ability to direct the crew member onboard was key to enhancing the survey. Where previously static photos would have been provided to indicate overall condition, the live video-audio stream now enabled instructions to be relayed in real-time, focusing in on specific areas of interest. For example, by gaining detailed views of windlass chocking arrangements or coaming, packing and cleat condition for hatches, a true “general examination” equivalent to physical attendance can be supported – which is, of course, a pre-requisite for remote survey method acceptability.

This example, and the many others before and since, have proved the significant value of remote survey tools when used in a safe manner and in the right application. This is a real watershed moment for the industry. All stakeholders now recognise that investment in solutions to enable remote surveys throughout vessels, from the bilges to the fore mast, will be key to keeping trade moving in the future, whatever challenges the industry faces. With our new LR Remote solution, we are preparing for that future, and are continually investing in, and adopting, advanced technologies to keep vessels trading around the world

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