A response to COVID-19 from our CEO, Alastair Marsh.
“In these uncertain times, we all ask how we can contribute, whether personally or professionally. I lead a business that has safety at its heart; the safety of our clients who do vital work in sustaining critical infrastructure to keep global supply chains moving, and the safety of our colleagues. Our actions at this time are deeply ingrained in our values; we care, we share, and we do the right thing. Making the world a safer place - our purpose - has never been more relevant.
The restrictions on travel are impacting us all. Across the world, we are doing as much as possible to engage with clients and support them, either directly or remotely. Our people, often designated as key workers, are sharing their technical expertise across remote audits, inspections, surveys and advisory services to ensure business continuity, particularly in the shipping, energy and food sectors. I’m incredibly proud of our team’s commitment to keeping essential services operating safely in these challenging times.
We’ve introduced a raft of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Across the world, we’ve adopted the guidance issued by national governments and global health organisations, working remotely where at all possible, and encouraging everyone to take care of their mental wellbeing. To protect our field-based employees, we’ve provided extra personal protective equipment (PPE) and are using a pre-visit checklist, to mitigate risks.
Lloyd’s Register has been working for a safer world throughout our 260-year history, and that’s never been more important than now. Already, we’ve learnt valuable lessons from our colleagues in Asia, who were the first to feel the impact of the virus. The experiences and adaptations they’ve shared with us mean we’re ready to help all our clients, wherever they are in the world, through this incredibly challenging time, to emerge safe and stronger together.”