LR Code for Lifting Appliances in a Marine Environment 1 July 2024 can be accessed via Regs4ships; approved rule changes have updated these.

Date published 01/07/24
Last updated 01/07/24
Tags Code Lifting Appliances

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  1. Notice No. 2 Code for Lifting Appliances in a Marine Environment, July 2023


This Code is applicable to marine lifting appliances, including:

  1. derrick and derrick crane systems;
  2. launch and recovery appliances for survival craft and rescue boats;
  3. cranes;
  4. launch and recovery systems for diving operations;
  5. lifts and ramps;

Where these are installed on ships or offshore units for the following purposes:

  • on ships, for handling cargo, equipment and personnel;

  • on barges and pontoons, e.g. a floating crane;

  • on fixed or mobile offshore installations for transferring equipment;

  • on ships or fixed or mobile offshore installations for handling manned submersibles and diving systems;

  • on ships, for transferring goods or personnel from one deck level to another;

  • on ships and offshore installations for evacuation in an abandoned ship/installation situation.

The Ruleset includes chapters on:

  • Derrick Systems: The requirements of this Chapter are to be complied with in cases where Lloyd’s Register (LR) is requested to issue a Register of Ship’s Lifting Appliances and Cargo Handling Gear for derrick systems.

  • Launch and Recovery Appliances for Survival Craft and Rescue Boats: The requirements of this Chapter are to be complied with in cases where Lloyd’s Register (LR) is requested to certify the launch and recovery appliances for the following:
    • Lifeboats ‘Survival craft’.
    • Life rafts ‘Survival craft’.
    • Rescue boats.
    • Offshore life-saving craft, including hyperbaric lifeboats.
    • Associated releasing arrangements.

  • Cranes and Submersible Lifting Appliances: This Chapter will be the basis of approval by Lloyd’s Register (hereinafter referred to as LR) of the following types of crane or lifting appliances:
    • Deck cranes mounted on ships for handling equipment, cargo or containers in harbour or sheltered water conditions.
    • Gantry cranes mounted on ships for handling containers or cargo in in-harbour conditions.
    • Floating cranes mounted on barges or pontoons for handling loads in harbour or sheltered water and open sea conditions.
    • Grab cranes mounted on ships, barges or pontoons for operating in harbour or sheltered water and open sea conditions.
    • Engine room, stores cranes, etc. mounted on ships for handling equipment and stores in harbour or sheltered water conditions.
    • Cranes mounted on fixed or mobile offshore installations for transferring equipment, stores, etc. to and from supply ships.
    • Cranes mounted on ships or mobile offshore installations for handling or transferring non-manned equipment in an open-sea or offshore environment, e.g. pipe handling (or transfer) cranes.
    • Installations mounted on ships and fixed or mobile offshore installations for handling manned submersibles and diving systems.
    • Launch and recovery appliances for small watercraft which are manned while being handled.
    • Heavy lift cranes (or lifting appliances) mounted on vessels, pontoons and offshore installations.

  • Shiplift and Transfer Systems: The requirements of this Chapter are applicable to shiplift platform and transfer systems, also called mechanical lift docks.

  • Ro-Ro Access Equipment: The requirements of this Chapter are to be complied with in cases where Lloyd’s Register (LR) is requested to issue certification for the following Ro-Ro equipment:
    • Cargo and vehicle lifts
    • External vehicle ramps
    • Internal vehicle ramps
    • Movable decks

  • Lifts: The requirements of this Chapter are to be complied with in cases where Lloyd’s Register (LR) is requested to issue certification for the following installations:
    •  Passenger lifts
    • Service lifts

  • Fittings, Loose Gear and Ropes: Tables of standard dimensions for certain fittings and items of loose gear are given in this Chapter.

  • Machinery: This Chapter is applicable to all the lifting appliances covered in this Code.

  • Electrotechnical Systems:  Electrotechnical systems for lifting appliances are to be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter in order to minimise danger to personnel in all foreseeable operating conditions.

  • Materials and Fabrication: Provision is made in this Chapter for requirements related to materials, fabrication and related inspection of classed and certified lifting appliances.

Further chapters outline testing, marking, surveys and documentation requirements.

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