The Zero Carbon Fuel Monitor July 2022 update asseses that trends have shown an average increase in readiness across all fuels and supply chain stages. Methanol is seeing small scale fleet announcements and dual-fuel deliveries. Hydrogen  electrolyser capacities have increased, leading to technology readiness level (TRL) increases for fuel production.

The community readiness level (CRL) for renewable energy derived fuels has also seen an increase as more production facilities are given planning permission. Smaller readiness increases have been seen for other areas of the renewable energy derived fuels (re-fuels) supply chain as developments continue across the board. 

While the decarbonisation conversation has continued to grow in companies, the media and industry bodies, zero-carbon fuel readiness has a long way to go to deliver shipping’s increasing ambition.

The Hub will continue to monitor developments and use these results in the Zero Carbon Fuel Monitor website to inform our own research and development projects, and hope that others in the industry will do likewise.