ShipRight procedures are a comprehensive system of procedures aimed at ensuring high  standards of safety, quality and reliability at the design stage and during construction. These procedures also extend, via Linked Supporting Services, to ensure that these standards are met through the operational lifetime of the ship.

Procedures considered as providing the basic level of acceptable safety to the ship, cargo and/ or crew are mandatory while those which serve to augment this are optional. Compliance with a Shipright procedure will render the vessel eligible for a ShipRight Notation and/or Descriptive Note. In cases where a procedure is applied to a vessel outside of the classification regime, a certificate of compliance may be issued if appropriate.

ShipRight procedures provide either a definitive procedural process e.g. SDA; or provide guidance and procedural information, in a less prescriptive manner, to novel or new processes e.g. WDA. They can be considered as “routes to compliance” with the relevant Rule criteria. i.e. following a ShipRight Procedure and achieving the acceptance criteria is a pre-accredited means of demonstrating satisfactory compliance.

Shipping Overviews

Shipping Procedures Overview
Structural Design Assessment (SDA)

Structural Design Assessment Overview, May 2004

Structural Design Assessment Overview Changes Incorporated in May 2004

Global Design Loads of Container Ships and Other Ships Prone to Whipping and Springing, January 2024

Primary Hull and Cargo Tank Structure of Liquefied Gas Carriers Fitted with Type B Independent Tanks Primarily Constructed of Plane Surfaces, July 2020

Primary Hull and Cargo Tank Structure of Type A Tank Liquefied Gas Carriers, December 2023

Primary Hull and Cargo Tank Supporting Structure of Type C Liquefied Gas Carriers, January 2024

Primary Structure of Bulk Carriers, December 2022

Primary Structure of Container Ships, July 2024

Primary Structure of Naval Ships under Category NS2, June 2021

Primary Structure of Passenger Ships, August 2019

Primary Structure of Ro-Ro Ships, September 2021

Primary Structure of Tankers, May 2004 - Changes incorporated in May 2004

Primary Structure of Tankers, May 2004

Primary Structure of Type B Spherical Tank LNG Ships - Changes incorporated in May 2004

Primary Structure of Type B Spherical Tank LNG Ships, May 2004

Procedure for Type A Tank Liquefied Gas Carriers, Notice 1, May 2019

Procedure for Type A Tank Liquefied Gas Carriers, Notice 2, May 2019

Procedure for Primary Structure of Ore Carriers, July 2019

Procedure for Membrane Tank LNG Ships, December 2023

Notice 1 to SDA Procedure for Membrane Tank LNG Ships, August 2021

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment - Changes incorporated in May 2004

Sloshing Loads and Scantling Assessment - July 2022

Assessment of Primary Structure of Mono-Hull Yachts - July 2024

Additional Design & Construction Procedure (ADP)

Additional Calculation Procedures for Longitudinal Strength, April 2023

Approval of Installation of Ballast Water Treatment Systems on LR Classed Ships, September 2017

Approval of a Manufacturer according to Quality Assurance Engineering Schemes (QAES), April 2022

Approval Scheme for Gas Ship Containment Systems, October 2006

Assessment of Steel Hatch Covers Using Finite Element Analysis, July 2024

Comparative Sloshing Assessment of LNG Ship Containment Systems, April 2005

Direct Calculations for Special Service Craft of Metallic Construction, August 2015

Guidance notes for liquefied gas carriers adopting IMO Type B independent tanks October 2012

Guidelines for CFD Escort Tug Performance, May 2016

Guidelines for Requirements of Thermal Analysis for the Hull Structure of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk, January 2023

Guidelines for the Finite Element Analysis of Type C Tank, January 2024

LR Code for Unmanned Marine Systems, February 2017

Non-linear Structural Collapse Analysis for Plates and Stiffened Panels, May 2016

Procedure for Alternative Method for Calculation of Stress Concentration Factors in the Web Fillet Radii of February 2013

Procedure for Analysis of Pump Tower and Interfacing Structure, July 2022

Procedure for Assigning DIST Descriptive Note, February 2024

Procedure for Assigning SRtP Descriptive Note, February 2024

Procedure for the Assessment of Container Ship Lashing Bridge Structures, August 2021

Procedure for the Use of Enhanced NDE for Container Ships, December 2020

Procedure for the Determination of Airborne Noise Emissions from Marine Vessels January 2019

ShaftRight Main Propulsion Shafting Alignment Procedure, July 2022

Shipright ADP for underwater radiated noise, March 2023

ShipRight ADP - Guidance Notes for ShipRight SDA Buckling, January 2024

ShipRight ADP for Vibration Measurement, January 2024

Sloshing Assessment Guidance Document for Membrane Tank LNG Operations, May 2009

Verification of Primary Structure for Forward Holds of Container Ships, September 2016

Long-term Nearshore Positional Mooring System, January 2024