As a training provider, you need to demonstrate to clients that the courses you offer will be delivered to a recognised standard and meet their needs. Lloyd’s Register’s Approved Training Provider Scheme can help to provide these assurances. It approves both your training management system and specific courses, whether you are an independent college or academy, or the training department of a shipping company or manning agency.
What is the approved training provider scheme?
The Approved Training Provider Scheme provides third party assessment and certification of your ability to provide training to a recognised standard and deliver courses which meet their stated objectives. It provides a benchmark for the marine industry when selecting courses for staff development and training.
Approved training providers
The scheme has two parts:
Part 1
Assesses your organisation to establish your ability to provide the required level of training to your customers.
It gives assurance that you have established and implemented a management system for the provision of your training services, and that the system is regularly reviewed.
On successful completion of Part 1 you will receive a ‘Lloyd’s Register Approved Training Provider’ certificate and wall plaque, as well as an electronic approval logo which you can use on promotional literature.
Part 2
Assesses your individual courses against their stated learning deliverables and gives confidence to all stakeholders that learners needs are being met.
On successful completion of Part 2, you will receive a ‘Lloyd’s Register Approved Training Course’ certificate and approval logo.
The benefits of certification under the scheme include:
• the ability to demonstrate to clients that your organisation provides the required level of training
• the ability to demonstrate to clients that the content and delivery of your courses meet set standards
• verification of the integrity of your management system
• confidence in the quality of your course design and delivery.
Recognising your success
Our approved training provider plaque and approval logo give independent assurance to your clients that the courses you offer will be delivered to a recognised standard and meet their needs. We provide full guidance on how the logo may be used.