About the training

This training course on Risk Assessment and Risk Based Certification (RA-RBC) aims to provide a shared understanding of: 

  • the concept of risk and the drivers for risk assessment in regulation; 
  • risk assessment and appraisal to inform certification and acceptance of alternative designs; and
  • Lloyd's Register’s five stage process of Risk Based Certification, more commonly known as RBC.

RBC reflects the guidelines within IMO 1455 on ‘Approval of Alternatives and Equivalents’ and is used where: prescriptive rules do not exist or are limited; and, where risk assessment is required to satisfy goal-based rules and gain regulatory acceptance.

Course duration

Classroom based : 2 days

Who should attend?

The course is suitable for all stakeholders in ship design, construction and management, e.g. representatives of Ship Designers, Naval Architects, Ship Construction and Repair Yards, Original Equipment Manufacturers, Ship Owners and Managers and flag administrations.

Course objectives

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the regulatory framework governing Risk Based Designs, Alternative and Equivalent Design and Arrangements and the application of MSC.1/Circ.1455
  • Confidently approach the identification of the affected Statutory and Classification Requirements
  • Confidently identify whether an Exemption, an Equivalent or Alternative Design and Arrangement are applicable
  • Commence a thorough risk-based review of the proposed design or development of a proposal based on a risk review
  • Appreciate the steps in the process of submitting and approving these designs and / or arrangements and ensuring key stakeholders are involved as required.
  • Ensure the design team composition includes the required disciplines and expertise.

Key content

Through workshops facilitated by experienced Lloyd’s Register Specialists and in group discussions the below topics are covered during the course:

  • Regulatory framework (existent International initiatives, Rules etc)
  • Classification and statutory requirements
  • Definition of Exemption, Equivalent or Alternative Design and Arrangement
  • Introduction to Risk Bases Certification (RBC) process
  • Steps of the RBC and application
  • Stakeholders a and involved parties in the RBC

Download our Classroom, Virtual and eLearning training brochure