Deciding when and how to comply with upcoming ballast water legislation is critical to the well-being of ship owners and operators. This one day interactive Ballast Water Management Awareness training course will help you make sense of the issues and offer a practical approach along with sharing our operational experience.
Who should attend?
Shore staff who will be involved in planning how to comply with the upcoming ballast water management legislation as well as those who will be responsible for implementing the plan.
Key content
When the IMO's Ballast Water Management Convention comes into force it will impose a number of requirements on ship owners and operators that are intending to control the spread of invasive alien species and pathogens. More recently the USCG has also introduced ballast water regulations that apply to ships that discharge ballast water within 12 nautical miles of the US and Canadian coastlines and have fixed compliance dates starting from 01 January 2014.
For many ships the most practical way to comply with these new regulations will be to install a ballast water treatment system. However other alternative compliance options may be suitable for certain ship types and trades.
This is an interactive course, delivered by experts in the field. Through a series of presentations, exercises and short quizzes, the achievement of the learning objectives can be demonstrated for all delegates.
The face to face classroom environment is conducive and also gives the opportunity for specific questions to be asked of the specialist trainer.
What will you learn?
By the end of this course you will be able to:
Explain the high level requirements the Ballast Water Management Convention and the USCG legislation, including their implementation schedules
Describe the options for complying with ballast water management legislation
State the operational limitations of the various ballast water treatment technologies
Recognise the ship types and trades which may be suited to other alternative compliance options (such as using reception facilities)
Explain one approach for comparing the suitability of ballast water treatment systems for use on board a specific ship with a defined operational profile
Determine a number of issues associated with retrofitting ballast water treatment systems
Summarise the approach that port state control inspectors are likely to take when reviewing compliance with the BWM Convention.
Previous experience
None required.