Why Choose Preboard?

  • Save time: Ensure your documents are ready before a physical survey, saving time and hassle.
  • Organize documents efficiently: Keep your documents organised by date and ready for any regulation changes.
  • 24/7 Online availability: Access and prepare your documents anytime, anywhere, even during off-peak hours at ports.
  • All in-one-place: Manage and monitor all your documents and their status from one easy-to-use dashboard.

Simplifying the survey process

The current survey process is repetitive and time-consuming. Each year, preparation starts anew with different surveyors and crews. As the number of required documents increases, Preboard helps:

-    Reduce the Load
Take document preparation off your long list of tasks while in port.
-    Ensure Consistency
Maintain a structured approach regardless of changing surveyors, crews, ports, or languages.
-    Facilitate Communication
 A unified structure makes it easier to discuss compliance and documentation needs.

Ready to Streamline Your Survey Preparation?

Discover how Preboard can help you save time and stay organized.

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