Demonstration of Ship-Based Carbon Capture (SBCC)on LNG fuelled ships (EverLoNG).


EverLoNG is an ACT3 project with an overall budget of €4.90M of which €2.24m is the industrial part (>45%) over 3 years. The Project is aimed to validate and demonstrate Ship-Based Carbon Capture (SBCC) technology on-board of two LNG-fuelled ships, owned and operated by project partners Total and Heerema form TRL4 to TRL7.

The objective of the EverLoNG project is to accelerate the implementation of the SBCC technology by:

  • demonstrating SBCC on-board of LNG-fuelled ships;
  • optimising SBCC integration to the existing ship infrastructure;
  • facilitating the development of SBCC-based full CCUS chains;
  • facilitating the regulatory framework for the technolog.

EverLoNG project will endeavour to close knowledge gaps and address challenges in both technical and commercial levels through development and evalaution of:

  • strategies for reducing CO2 emissions of ships by at least 70%, taking the same ship running on LNG but not equipped with SBCC as the reference case; and demonstrate the emission reduction potential of SBCC according to the EEDI and EEXI guidelines;
  • solutions to improve the cost effectiveness of SBCC, achieving CO2 capture and on-board storage costs below 100 €/ton (1st of a kind, to be achieved by 2025) and 50 €/ton (nth of a kind); as well as evaluate the costs of off-loading, transport and storage (or utilization) of CO2 in several Carabon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) chains;
  • the impact of SBCC on the ships’ infrastructure, stability and safety, to guarantee the technical feasibility of the proposed technology; identify the major safety hazards associated with SBCC technology and determine safeguards to mitigate those risks, thus providing the basis for (near) future class approval of the SBCC technology;
  • off-loading strategies that clarify the post-treatment required on-board, as well as the infrastructure necessary on the port side; establish a CO2 Shipping Interoperability Industry Group (CSIIG) and propose a Roadmap towards a European off-loading network.

Project work packages

  1. Demonstration of SBCC
  2. Full CCUS chain integration
  3. Impact of full scale SBCC on existing ships infrastructure
  4. Life cycle assessment and techno-economic evaluation of SBCC
  5. Regulatory framework for SBCC
  6. Management and Dissemination


2021 -2024

EverLoNG Partners

  • Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research
  • Conoship International
  • Bouman-Carbotreat
  • VDL AEC Maritime
  • Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland SE
  • MAN Energy Solutions#
  • Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
  • TOTAL EP Norge AS
  • Bureau Veritas Norway AS
  • ÅKP AS
  • Scottish Carbon Capture & Storage (Uty of Edinburgh)
  • Lloyd's Register
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory/Nexant Energy and Chemical Advisory
  • DNV GL
  • Antony Veder
  • Brusche Elektrotechniek