Applicability: shipowners, ship operators, ship managers, tankers, bulk carriers, container ships and all commercial ships over 5,000 GT.
IMO DCS (Data Collection System) Requirements
As first reported in Class News 01/2017 and later updated in Class News 33/2017, ship operators of ships of 5,000GT and above engaged in international shipping are required to submit annual fuel oil consumption data to their flag administration or a Recognised Organisation nominated by the flag, from 2020 onwards.
Data for the 2019 reporting period needs to be submitted by the end of March 2020.
This data should be collected in accordance with the methodology described in the ship’s approved Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP Part II), and submitted with supporting evidence, to enable verification as per Resolution MEPC.292(71).
By the beginning of June, all applicable vessels are required to have on board a ‘Statement of Compliance – Fuel Oil Consumption Reporting’, issued by the organisation that verified the data.
EU MRV (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification) Requirements
With reference to Class News 03/2019, owners and operators of ships greater than 5,000GT making commercial voyages into, out of or between EU ports are required to submit a verified emissions report to the European Commission and ship’s flag administration.
A verified emissions report must be submitted by 30 April in the year following the reporting period. LR is an accredited verification body permitted to verify EU MRV emissions reports that have been uploaded through the THETIS-MRV system operated by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).
For more information about both regulations, please download our CO2 emissions and fuel consumption monitoring brochure from the LR website.
What should owners and operators do now?
Owners and operators should submit their fuel oil consumption data into LR’s CO2 Verifier platform, which can be accessed here. Submission of the data can be made using LR-provided templates available through CO2 Verifier or by following the templates in your approved Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) Part II.
It is strongly recommended that both IMO DCS & EU MRV submissions are made as soon as possible to provide sufficient time to identify any errors or misstatements.
The data should be supplemented by an ‘evidence pack’ of supporting information to enable the verification work to be completed. Details of what should be included in the ‘evidence pack’ are provided in the help sections of the CO2 Verifier platform. When the supporting evidence is prepared, it can be bulk uploaded into CO2 Verifier and verification work by our technical staff can begin.