Detailed below are the latest instructions and information from Flag Administrations that accept or recognize Lloyd's Register approved Service Suppliers authorized to carry out maintenance, thorough examinations, operational testing, overhaul and repairs of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear.

Where there are no instructions shown for a particular Flag, please contact your local Lloyd's Register office or

Further information regarding the new IMO procedures can be found in the Class News 16/2019.

Flag Administration Acceptance of LR Approved Service Suppliers Notes
Antigua and Barbuda Yes See ADOMS Information Notice 2017-006 (Rev 3)
Bahamas No​​ See Marine Notice 083.

Certificate of Authorization issued by Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) is required.
Barbados No

See Bulletin 041

Certificate of Authorization issued by Barbados Maritime Ship Registry is required.

Bermuda Yes See Bermuda Merchant Shipping Notice 2021-016.
Canada Yes See Policy – Authorized Service Providers for LSA
Cayman Islands Yes See Guidance Note CIGN 09/2019 Rev 2.
Comoros No Authorised Service providers by approved by the flag Administration. See Circular 21/02439/COM 
Cook Islands Yes See Circular 212 / 2019.
Cyprus Yes See ​​Circular No. 21 / 2019.
Denmark Yes See Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) Circular No. 28​.
Finland Yes Service Providers have to be approved by the Administration if the service is stationed in Finland.

Service Providers authorized by other Administrations or approved by other ROs are also acceptable if the service station is located outside Finland.
Georgia Yes See No. 32/CIRC/FSI.
Gibraltar Yes See Shipping Guidance Notice - 078 

SGN 078(a) -MSC.402(96) - Authorizations of Authorized Service Providers
Hong Kong Yes See Annex 1 of FAQs
India No Service Suppliers are to be approved by the flag Administration.

See Merchant Shipping Notice 01 of 2020.
Isle of Man Yes See Isle of Man Ship Registry Technical Advisory Notice Ref. 0​06-19.
Italy Yes See See Circolare - Sicurezza della Navigazione - Serie generale n. 156/2020.
Japan Yes The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) accepts Service Providers authorized by RO (limited to ABS, DNV-GL, LR, Class NK based on MSC.402 (96) ANNEX 7.4.3) - refer to
Kuwait Yes See Circular No. (11)/2019.
Liberia No Service Suppliers need an Authorization Document issued by Liberia Flag.
Luxembourg Yes See Circular CAM 08/2019.
Madeira Yes See DGRM Circular No. 62.
Malta Yes See Technical Notice SLS.2 Rev.2.
Marshall Islands Yes For Service Supplier Approvals, see Technical Circular – No. 1, Rev. 6, Section 4.

For Servicing Requirements, see Marine Notice MN-2-011-37​, Section 8.0.
Netherlands Yes See ItoRO No.09
Norway Yes See Circular RSV 5-2020.
Palau Yes See Marine Notice 242.2.
Panama No Service Suppliers need Authorization from Panama Flag (Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear).

Flag's website: Merchant Marine Circulars and Notices | Panama Ship Registry
Portugal Yes See DGRM Circular No. 62.
Qatar Yes See Marine Circular 12.
Singapore Yes See MPA ​Shipping Circular No. 11 of 2019.
South Africa Yes All Service Providers need to be approved by the flag Administration.

See Marine Notice No. 12 of 2019.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines Yes See Circular No. SOL 012 - Rev.5.
Thailand Yes See Marine Department Notice No. 114/2565.  
UK Yes For Authorization of Service Providers see Marine Guidance Note MGN 555 (M) - Amendment 1.

For Operational and Test Procedures see Marine Guidance Note MGN 560 (M) - Amendment ​2.
USCG Yes See NVIC Circular No. 03-19.
Vanuatu Yes See Fleet Safety Letter 181219.GEN.