Our SEEMP Part III template is available for shipowners and operators to download for free. The template is designed to assist you with developing a SEEMP Part III that reflects IMO Guidelines. It ensures all the details required are provided for an efficient verification process, reducing the need for resubmissions.
We have included detailed instructions within the template to facilitate and provide guidance on what you should input, including describing the methodology to calculate the ship’s attained annual operational Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), the processes used to report this value to the ship’s administration, the required annual operational CII, an implementation plan documenting how the required annual operational CII will be achieved over the next three years, and a procedure for self-evaluation and improvement required by Regulation 26.5.1 of MARPOL Annex VI.
All SEEMP Part III submissions will be trackable through our Emissions Verifier platform.
Our SEEMP Part III Digital Generator is also available for LR clients to ensure they can comply with reguiatory requirements. If you are an LR client who requires a SEEMP Part III and have not already received your log in, please contact your account manager to request access or send your full name, company name and email address to SEEMPIII@lr.org