Make informed choices to improve your fleet's carbon footprint for future newbuild and retrofit projects.
As climate change continues to trigger extreme weather events around the world, these events remind us all that the maritime energy transition’ has become imperative. There are many challenges to consider; building new vessels and retrofitting existing ships should be an integral part of ship owners, charters, and managers' long-term commercial strategy.
Read insights from Sobhith Harihara, Global Newbuild Support Manager and Shane Balani, Decarbonisation Consultant, as they explore technical design, operations and options to fuel your fleet for the future. Download the guide to explore the risks and benefits of newbuilding versus retrofitting your existing fleet.
Looking for more information on newbuild vs retrofit? Download the first booklet in our series: Can shipowners and operators retrofit their way through today's maritime challenges, or will only new construction do?
Contact your local Lloyd’s Register office for further information and to stay updated with the latest news and developments across the maritime industry.